Reminds me when I started to play the guitar. the shop provided me a cool blue cable (well, the color was cool, the cable was really crappy). I 'bve been playing for years with that. And I thought that my guitar was the source of the noise...
Then 10 years ago, on Paris guitar streets, I came across a small shop that provide some custom cables and ordered neutrik equipped cable...
HUGE difference. Then I reminded what one of my signal processing teacher told, the signal is as good as the weakest component of the signal chain. And clearly, in my case, it WAS THIS F%£%§µ blue cable! A real radio antenna!

I also noticed that the jacks have not all exaclty the same diameter. I try a fender cable once, and the connector could move when plugged, creating some bad artifacts. It seems that my guitar connector is very picky about what you plug smile
No problem at all with neutriks.


Edited by Bzer (03/26/14 03:25 AM)