How old are you (range)?
How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
39 years, professionally for 35 years
What style(s) do you play?
Classic rock, Blues, Country-rock, some Country, Disco, Dance, Pop, anything else that makes people dance at the corporate gigs we do.
Do you play other instruments?
Which ones?
Percussion (timbales, congas, etc.), keyboards, bass, drums and I sing
Are you in a band (or have you been)?
Yes, and have been in one or more for the past 35 years.
Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?
Yes, and I still do.
If so, at what level (clubs, concerts in support of a major label release, etc)?
Mostly corporate gigs and weddings now, with the occasional club gig. From 1987 through 1991 I had a band called Looking For Marck that saw a little bit of success with an album and a couple of top 40 singles in Canada in '89 & '90. Good times, and I miss that terribly.
At what level do you primarily gig now?
See above.
How often do you play live?
Just about every week, often more than once a week.
Do you record with your Eleven Rack?
If so, do you record covers & or originals?
Mostly covers, but with software like TH2 and Kuassa.
Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?
Yes. Many gigs.
If so, how did it sound & work for you?
Going direct through a PA and it sounds very good.
What are your other favorite hobbies besides music & guitar playing?
I'm a graphic artist, so that's not a hobby but I do enjoy it. Other than that... reading (novels), the occasional movie.
Optional Q: Married, single etc...etc....etc...
Single, sadly.