How old are you (range)?Chronologically 59, mentally 18 (well as far as enthusiasm and wonder at the world goes. Just beginning to realize that I ain't made of steel).
How long have you been playing guitar (range)?About 48 years.
What style(s) do you play?What is now termed as classic rock (late 60' thru 70's), Blues, Country, Rodeo Rock (think Chris LeDoux), Western Swing, Cowboy (Think Dan Roberts), and Bluegrass. Worship music, at least in my church, is a combination of rock, blues, and gospel.
Do you play other instruments?Yes
Which ones?Bass, Fiddle, and a little keyboard. I have a Sam Elliot kind of voice, so I am not often asked to sing.
Are you in a band (or have you been)?Yes. Worship band, if that counts. I also play in a blues/blues rock band. I jam and sit in on/with others on occasion and I do some session work from my little project studio. I haven't for a while, but I used to go to a lot of bluegrass festivals where my brother and I would play together.
Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?Well......not full time. I used to make a pretty large portion of my income with my instrument, but I still held a day job.
If so, at what level (clubs, concerts in support of a major label release, etc)?I was in a band in high school and college playing at the time top 40 covers (classic rock to most of you laugh ) and that paid my housing in college. I was also in the house band of a night club (well country bar) during the 80's 80 through 87 actually, playing 6 nights a week.
At what level do you primarily gig now (large concerts, corporate events\festivals, worship, clubs, cruise ships, weddings, bar mitzvahs, house parties)?Mostly clubs, openings, some festivals, etc. Open mics with friends, that kind of thing now.
How often do you play live?As the blues band, a couple of times per month. Worship, weekly. Open mics etc. a couple times per month. Session work - a few times per month average.
Do you record with your Eleven Rack?Yes. I use it with my 003 Rack Plus.
If so, do you record covers & or originals?Both
Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?Yes. I actually bought a second 11R so that I could leave one permanently in the studio.
If so, how did it sound & work for you?I works great! I can run the 11R through FOH, get a good in ear monitor mix, and also through a powered speaker for on stage monitor.
What are your other favorite hobbies besides music & guitar playing?Horses. I've had horses most all of my life since I was 2 (granddad was a horse trainer as well as a big band drummer).
Optional Q: Married, single etc...etc....etc...Married - Three kids - Five grand kids - 5 horses - 2 cats