How old are you (range)?

How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
22 years

What style(s) do you play?
rock, praise & worship

Do you play other instruments? Which ones?
I can fake it a bit on keys & bass

Are you in a band (or have you been)?
Played full-time with a band in the 90's
These days I mostly play in church.

Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?
I guess I do now...My full-time job is to lead music @ church, so I've got a weekly "gig" with an audience of 700 or so. I used to play with a band in high-school/college that released several albums and toured quite a bit...we got paid, but not much wink

If so, at what level (clubs, concerts in support of a major label release, etc)?
youth functions, colleges, festivals, opened for Geoff Moore once

At what level do you primarily gig now (large concerts, corporate events\festivals, clubs, weddings, bar mitzvahs, house parties)?
Church weekly with about 700 or so in attendance.

How often do you play live?

Do you record with your Eleven Rack?
I'd love to but haven't had time. I used to run a studio (back in ADAT days)

If so, do you record covers & or originals?
I would record both.

Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?
Been using it weekly for the past 5 months or so. Replaced a Budda SD30.

If so, how did it sound & work for you?
Been going good, I've even weaned myself off most my pedals...but I WISH WISH WISH that the 11R could send tuner info via MIDI...for my set-up I lose the benefit of all the stage clutter.

What are your other favorite hobbies besides music & guitar playing?
Ride my bike to work each day, dream of golf (don't have time/money to play anymore) and hanging with my family.

Am I married?