Originally Posted By: Rushian

How old are you (range)?
Chronologically 46, mentally I'm as old as the woman I feel (yes married!grin and bought me my 11 rack cool, Les Paul Supreme, PRS 21, Jem, Strat & Ibarnez AGR73T -I gentlemen am one lucky dude!!! grin )

How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
Play is strong word whistle, lets just say I've owned guitars for about 35 years

I laughed laugh , I cried cry & I in fact I enjoyed all of your responses Rushian.......Hell, I even love ur user name..... shocked

Oh &.....It is me Julius, I'm your brother!!!!!! grin

If things don't work out with you & the wife, have her look me up son......I can be had for a new PRS Tremonti guitar (I cook & clean too) & I'm easy......... laugh laugh laugh

Jokes aside (yea, right), I think that ur joy for the guitar (& the holy trinity) comes thru loud & clear bro........ cool

Peace! X-Mann

PS - You have a great gear collection too.........So what the hell do you do to get the wife to even let you have all these cool toys?
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