Originally Posted By: flynv
How old are you (range)?
Chronologically 57, mentally 12.5.

Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?
Yes, I'm trying to work it in more and more. BUT, I'm no X-Mann!

See....Another 12 year old!!!!! grin

"X-Mann" is a mental creation of the player I want to be & not who I am (yea, right)...... smile......I only post the good stuff & try real hard to impress (or not totally embarass myself) you guys..... laugh

I do have over 50-friends on Facebook though & I can run like the wind now!!!! grin

Peace! eX-Mann

Edited by X-Mann (05/16/12 10:29 AM)
Edit Reason: I also like Take-5 bars!
"You'll have X-TC when you watch X-TV"
..............Eleven Rack Video..................
..............Eleven Rack Audio..................