I'm picking up on a lot of common traits between ALL of us for the most part.......& I think THAT is why this is such a cool place to hang-out & share your thoughts, ideas, songs, tunes, licks & pics..... shocked

We all seem to be around the 12 to 15 year old mentality range, all love guitar, music, family, kids & we all wish we were just a little bit better of a guitar player (I want to be VSA if I grow up)...... laugh & that's what keeps us going.......Plus we LOVE the 11-Rack like a FAT kid loves cake!!!...... grin

I think most forums are like FaceBook so to speak where you ONLY post the good stuff going on in your life & or playing......but I believe that anything can be posted here.....people want to help & encourage each other on this 11-R forum........Plus I strongly believe in the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything" phrase..... smile

SO....I encourage all the guys creating 11-Rack music, be it covers or originals to share what they are doing w/ no fear of being judged........In the begining I didn't want to share anything w/ VSA dropping AMAZING guitar licks & tones all the time.....but over the past few years I tried to learn from others here & challenge myself & I can really hear (to me at least) the progress in my playing & phrasing now that so much time has gone by.........

I've enjoyed this forum & it's User base more then I could have ever imagined......& I've found this thread very interesting in a lot of different ways too......

So share your music no matter where you are at in your musical journey....& my alter ego will give you a virtual fisting eek (aka fist-bump) or chest bump for your efforts...... laugh & comming from a nobody/part time/crazy mo fo like me it should mean absolutley nothing really..... confused laugh crazy grin

I already salute everybody here who had the ballz to step up & share on this cool thread by Mr. Moff....... cool....& hey all you LURKERS (Yea....YOU!), get a login & jump on in.....The water is fine & VERY warm in my end of the pool.... eek....We'd love to see your gear & hear your story......

Peace! The 40-year old (Virgin) trapped in the mind of a 12-year old goof-ball kid...... grin (aka X-Mann)

PS - Thanks for letting me ramble like I do & try to bring the funny when I can......Just remember.....They can't all be jems people..... laugh

Edited by X-Mann (05/16/12 10:27 AM)
Edit Reason: I like turtles!
"You'll have X-TC when you watch X-TV"
..............Eleven Rack Video..................
..............Eleven Rack Audio..................