I'll throw mine into the mix . . . I don't have a ton of time these days to interact on the forum, but I'm out here lurking!

How old are you (range)?


How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
21 years

What style(s) do you play?
It's varied throughout the years, but you could just call it "rock." I grew up on tour with my parents - all my early memories consist of singing into microphones in front of seas of faces in random places. Sort of a folk-rock style dominated my early music years. Started running sound for my parents around age 8, playing/singing with them as well as solo gigs. Early styles were country/blues/folk, high school was all about punk rock, went about as heavy as I could later (screaming and all), and have since found a happy medium somewhere in energetic epic rock-land with lots of delays, both dotted 8 and 1/4 note.

Do you play other instruments?

Which ones?

Vocals were always my main emphasis, guitar was for accompaniment originally. I also play bass, mandolin, some banjo, piano, the saw, or whatever else I can get my hands on.

Are you in a band (or have you been)?
Yes. Have been constantly in at least one band since I was 12.

Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?

If so, at what level (clubs, concerts in support of a major label release, etc)?
Backing bands for album releases & tours throughout the years, producer & recording engineer, FOH, and for the last 11 years I've been the full time music director at an 1100 person church - think rock band, not choir.

At what level do you primarily gig now (large concerts, corporate events\festivals, worship, clubs, cruise ships, weddings, bar mitzvahs, house parties)?
Worship. I've had numerous opportunities in recent years to tour, etc., but Jesus has my entire focus & I serve where I'm needed the most for His glory - at this point in the local church.

How often do you play live?
At least once a week. Always with the 11R through the PA. I love it so much that I've sold almost all of my old gear.

Optional Q's
I'm married, have two kids under 3.

Other favorite hobby
Photography. Check out my flickr site for recent work I've done.

Examples of songs I've written, recorded lead vocals, played most of the instruments on, and produced/recorded in my home studio:
The Unknown
You're Still Here

My office at work:

And in the spirit of X-Mann's extensive video post . . . I don't have many videos of me playing, but I found this one that someone at a conference videotaped with a shaky handheld camera and stuck on YouTube. It's just acoustic (through 11R believe it or not), but you'll get a good sense of "me." I actually play electric guitar 90% of the time with a band . . .

Get my album FREE: http://noisetrade.com/unlikelies
1976 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe, P90's replaced with Burstbuckers
Eric Johnson Signature Model Fender Stratocaster
Martin DC-16RGTE
Alvarez Yairi WY-1