How old are you (range)?
I'll be in my mid 30's in October smile

How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
14 yrs

What style(s) do you play?
90's grunge, classic rock, but I LOVE jazz and jazz fusion

Do you play other instruments? Which ones?
Bass, keys, mandoline, some banjo, some drums ( i can keep a beat!), I can rock a shaker if I have to.
I also sing, mostly harmony if I can help it.

Are you in a band (or have you been)?
Not now but I was when I was younger. We would play in bars back in Pa, and I was always the rythm guitar, I actually choose the rythm on everything I play it seems. When I moved to Sc, I wanted to continue to make music, so I began learning some lead. I have my go to licks, but I'm no shredder....YET BABY!

I think it takes something special for a band to is connecting on a level many people never get to experience. I had that when I was younger playing out, and haven't come close to syncing up with other players like that in my area yet.

Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?

At what level do you primarily gig now
Until recently I played at church every service (small church about 250-300 people). Bass for the main service, Acoustic gtr for the contemporary teen service, Piano for the young kids, and I was the baritone singer in a quartet.

I traded it all in to run sound for our church. It was too frustrating to have something go wrong every service. Music director would turn the eq fader on the board to a "V" every service and then say he couldn't hear out the monitors which would end up with louder volume and then....a squeal...yup every service. So I talked the church into buying a Studiolive mixer and I have it locked out now haha....I hope to run it from my ipad in the near future.

X-Mann's Questions:
1) Do you record with your Eleven Rack?
I use a studiolive mixer for my interface, but I do use the 11r for guitar processing. My DAW is Cubase 5

2) If so, do you record covers & or originals?
mostly originals. I love the satisfaction of starting with an open session and then have a complete track when I'm finished. I might be my biggest fan....but its good for my soul haha

3) Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?
no I haven't....but I'm ready to!

5) What are your other favorite hobbies besides music & guitar playing?
I like shooting guns, I love technology. We live on the lake, so I love jetskiing, boating and being around water!

Optional Q: Married, single
Married 7 years 3 kids under 6...