How old are you (range)?
I'm 52.
How long have you been playing guitar (range)?
I started playing my freshman year of college. Played through college, started working and quit until I picked it back up about 6 years ago.
What style(s) do you play?
Mostly Rock but I do play some bluegrass also.
Do you play other instruments? Which ones?
Not any more, played Sax for years when i was younger.
Are you in a band (or have you been)?
I played for money for about 5 years in my late high school and early college days but not on guitar. I played sax in Jazz bands, pop bands and for theater.
Do you play (or have you ever played) professionally (full time)?
Sorta, when I played in my early years on sax and a few other instruments, it was my only source of income but i was going to school, not working full time.
X-Mann's Questions:
1) Do you record with your Eleven Rack?
2) If so, do you record covers & or originals?
I have finished three original songs. Working on some more.
3) Have you ever used your Eleven Rack out at a live gig?
5) What are your other favorite hobbies besides music & guitar playing?
I'm retired and travel quite a bit. I also fish at least once a week. I also spend as much time with my kids as I can. They are grown and working now but live close.
Optional Q: Married, single
Married 30 years.