39 year old male with 26 years of guitar playing/teaching/recording, seeking someone that likes 80s metal and glam (or pretends to) and looks SUPER HOT!

I've never done the live thing, but like the occasional live get together, or just watching someone else. When I'm watching something live, my tastes open up quite a bit. I can enjoy some country live, blues is just 10x better, jazz is pretty cool too.

I like to do other stuff, but mostly just like to make sure the kids have tons of games and things to do. I'd like to hit an arcade, go for walks, church service, just hang out with friends and family and do whatever.

Getting kinda old, and was pretty unhealthy so I guess it's a hobby to try and get back in shape lol. I bench pressed for the first time I don't know how many years have passed. My back I think is getting much better and everything's coming together for my health this year.

I have three "jobs" I guess (four if you count "dad") but don't really make a lot of money. But those are very awesome and tell you a lot about what I like to do: Write, Shoot Video, Play with software, buy & sell electronics, make kids laugh. I like consulting and solving problems too. The bigger the problem, the better (unless it's mine then I can't consult myself). Always an answer for everything.

The key to success in music I think, and my best work in recording was to record an album in a studio situation and realize just how tough it is to perform vs. all the time in the world to do punch ins and retakes in Pro Tools & Cakewalk. Spending a day trying to record 12 songs really makes you appreciate spending a week to record one lol.

BTW success=just doing it.

Play on your worst day and see what you got.

Play on your best day and have fun with it.

Play those extra harmonies and guitars when you already think it's good enough. I'm no Vai, but I could make a few lol

Be happy when you got the time and put something down even if it SUCKS! lol
Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/J0VHoC
Tonefinder: http://goo.gl/WI3Ahh
YouTube: https://goo.gl/6P3Mjg