I am not wanting to start a fire here, but Line 6 is proud to share presets with customers and being in a cover band (Which most of us are), love being able to come up with sounds quickly by sharing as well as downloading others ideas. I also spend a lot of time and effort making mine.
I understand Sweetwaters possition on this, but I can not believe that a preset that gets purchesed by a customer, can not be shared by the owner - However, even though I desagree with your prespective, I also respect it.
We are not sharing pre-sets to make money, we are only artist who love to make sweet music.
If Sweetwater was smart, they would create a sight like this one, where customers could down load great presets - Tell Chuck S. about this idea and tell him Alex from Fort Wayne IN sent you....

For the rest of you reading this keep sharing and love music, for God proudly gave it to you my friends.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!