So I got myself an Eleven Rack for Christmas and I have finally got everything really dialed in the way I want it last week.
My last rig was about 8 pedals pushing a stereo rig with 2 Fender DeVille 2x12 speakers in each. So that rig got a little heavy to move around and took a long time to set up every time I did a show or rehearsal.
This is my new Live Gig Rig! Fits nicely in a four space rack and pedal case.
I have 4 primary tones:
Fender Twin (Bogner 2x12 Cabinet)
AC-30 (Bogner 2x12 Cabinet)
Mesa Orange Channel (4x12 V30 Cabinet)
Mesa Red Channel (4x12 V30 Cabinet)
For live gigs I like to keep the speaker cabinets close to the same so that they sound similar, otherwise certain amps cut through the mix other amps get buried. This helps a lot.
The 8 control change buttons are set up as follows:
Top Row: Tuner-Mute, 11R Distortion, FX Loop (TC Electronic M:300 set up for long delay), and Tremolo on or off (works only on the AC-30 Channel only)
Bottom Row: FX1 (grey Compressor), Modulation, 11R Delay (shorter slap delay) and FX2 (Graphic EQ set up for a lead boost. Mids up, highs down).
I hope to get some video clips with some sound demos up very soon, I LOVE the tones I am getting with this unit. I have my guitar and vocal mix from the PA sent to my Powered 12 monitor as seen in the pic.