Originally Posted By: MichaelUR
Hey dude, I just noticed you have a G Major 2. I have a G Major and JMP-1. Just wondering how you run the G Major with the Eleven Rack? For recording I'll run the 11R through the USB for now but I'm a bit confused as to how I would use all this live. Currently I run the Guitar > JMP-1 > G Major > BBE Sonic Maximizer > Mesa 50/50 > Marshall 4x12 wired in stereo. I'm wondering how to fit the Elevan Rack into this.......?
Cheers man

In the beginning I tried the Eleven Rack together with the G Major and just ran it in the Effect Loop ... I remember that I spent some time setting the levels correctly!

Now I don't use it anymore ... since the expansion pack I have everything I need (and more) in the Eleven Rack cool

How you should run it: Well I'm far from an expert! but I would go: Guitar > Eleven Rack (G major in effects loop) > Mesa 50/50 > 4x12. The JMP is also a preamp so I think it wouldn't go so well with the Eleven Rack and the Sonic Maximizer I would try to get somewhere in the effects loop as well ... But I'm not good at these kinds of things so ... sry I can't help so much blush. Maybe a more "Pro-user" can help you with this?
Ran Crusher 7 string, Schecter C-1 Blackjack ABSN, Ibanez RGA 121
Squier Vint. Mod. Jazz V NT
Kemper + Eleven Rack + M-Audio Bx8a's