Hey dude, I just noticed you have a G Major 2. I have a G Major and JMP-1. Just wondering how you run the G Major with the Eleven Rack? For recording I'll run the 11R through the USB for now but I'm a bit confused as to how I would use all this live. Currently I run the Guitar > JMP-1 > G Major > BBE Sonic Maximizer > Mesa 50/50 > Marshall 4x12 wired in stereo. I'm wondering how to fit the Elevan Rack into this.......?
Cheers man
11R,TC G Major, JMP-1, Mesa 50/50, Fender De Ville,Laney L5,Marshall AVT 50, 3 Gibson Les Pauls, Fender Strat and Precision Deluxe, Ibanez Prestige and JS, ESP Horizon FRII, GT-10, ME-50, RP-21, Cubase 5.1, BFD2 Drums,UA Twin Finity, KSM 32,SM-57