I had a chance to rummage through some of our gear this last weekend while we were unloading it from our trailer. I didn't get any of the 11R or amp pics since the roadcases were already put up, but i did manage to get a few of our guitars and basses (hoping in a few months we can get a guitar vault to really display them)
We got a gibson les paul studio that our lead guitarist burns some paint off to give it a unique cowhide looking finish (this is his primary and signature guitar)
Another gibson les paul he found abandoned and worn real bad in some old building as a kid, so he did a weird re-finish and stain effect to it (this is his 2nd backup guitar and rarely uses it)
a gibson sg 61 re-issue vos which is his primary backup guitar
an american fender tele with hot rails this is his c# tuned guitar he uses for 2 songs
our rhythm guitarist uses a prs hollowbody with piezo pickups for his primary guitar
a gibson explorer for his primary backup guitar
and an epiphone les paul for 2 songs we play in c#
Also there is a PRS mike mushok baritone in there too, we don't use it live but are going to use it on our next album for some heavy riffs and some drop's

we also have 2 gibson firebirds (one is a blackbird) for bass, as well as a few warwicks, fenders and a spector (i could only find the firebirds in the pile of equiptment)
i also threw in some pictures of the custom device i build that sends midi, power over midi, fx loop, power for fx loop pedals, all over a single cat5 cable (the rack end unit, and the pedal board end)